Fiji Trades Union Congress

Defending the rights of Fiji's workers

Fiji Trades Union Congress - Defending the rights of Fiji's workers

GOVT reverses decision on Kevin Barr


PM has reversed the decision made by the Immigration Minister, Joketani Cokanasiga and decided to let Father Kevin Barr stay until his work permit expires at the end of the year. The link to he story is as follows:



The government has today begun the process of removing Father Kevin Barr from the country. Another in a list of expatriates “removed” and declared as “prohibited immigrants” just because the Regime could not swallow the reports made against the ILLEGAL PRIME MINISTER….please click on the link below to read more…


January 25, 2013 at 9:28 pm
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Political Party Decree

Public Services International joins in solidarity with global union movements in the condemnation of recent events in the country…



The latest press release from IndustriALL Global Unions condemning the Political Parties decree in Fiji is through the following link:


FTUC sent out a press release recently expressing its disappointment with the Political Parties Decree; a ploy by the Regime to put a stop to political aspirations of the workers of Fiji…full statement through the link below…

(45-03.13) FTUC Press Release- Denial of Political Rights to Workers


Australia has objected to the new decree with the statement by Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr


January 16, 2013 at 5:59 pm
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