The FTUC wishes everyone a Happy World Day Against Child Labour that is celebrated today worldwide. Millions of children worldwide are deprived of education and their basic freedom and rights as they engage themselves in labour to put food on their families’ tables. Fiji is not prone to this as highlighted recently in the media.
The FTUC under the ILO TACKLE Project will celebrate the day this Friday on June 14th with the FTU at Nadi’s Capricorn Hotel. Let us help put a stop to the plight of these young children and give them back their childhood as they so rightly deserve.
The Programme is as follows:
Program (1) : World Day Against Child Labor Seminar on “Child Labour as a Trade Union Issue”: Challenges and the Way Forward
Day: Friday
Date: June 14th, 2013.
Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm
Venue: Capricorn International Hotel, Nadi
Affiliates, FTUC Youth Committee, FTUC Women’s Committee, School Heads and Teachers.
After the seminar, we will be joined by students and their parents on a legislative empowerment session as follows:
Program (2) : Seminar on Empowering Stakeholders on Child labor as an Issue in our Society :Roles and Responsibilities
Date: 14th June 2013
Time: 3:30pm-5pm
Day : Friday
Venue: Capricorn International Hotel, Nadi
Participants: Student and parents as beneficiaries, teachers and schools heads.
Statement from ILO Director – Guy Ryder