Fiji Trades Union Congress

Defending the rights of Fiji's workers

Fiji Trades Union Congress - Defending the rights of Fiji's workers

Child Labour Forum & IWD-Nadi 9/03/13

The FTUC marked International Women’s Day on Friday, March 9th 2013, at Nadi’s Capricorn Hotel with an organised programme.FTUC National Secretary, Felix Anthony spoke on the importance of supporting women in trade unions.
He said more women needed to be supported to participate in trade union activities locally and that there existed a gap in women in leadership roles. Mr Anthony cited women leaders in international unions as examples such as Sis Sharan Burrow who was the head of the international trade union movement.The participants were treated to cake and morning tea.

The FTUC/FTU/ILO TACKLE Project 2nd empowerment on Child labor was also held on the same day.

The workshop educated Child Labour focal points on global trends, local policies and legislation and actions undertaken on the issue.

Discussions were also conducted on how trade union members and focal points could contribute towards the elimination of child labour, which was also the overall objective.

ILO, the Ministry of Labour and FTUC provided resource speakers on child labour for the programme.

A few of the recommendations made from the workshop included:

1. The increase of funds channeled towards education and assistance of children.
2. Parents to be made aware of relevant legislation regarding children.
3. Teachers should be provided support and professional development opportunities to handle children at risk of child labour.
4. Members must work towards including in their collective agreements the non-employment of children at workplaces while negotiating with their employer.

We thank the Youth Committee, Women’s Committee, FTU and NUFCW for ensuring that the selected participants attend the one day programme.

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