Fiji Trades Union Congress

Defending the rights of Fiji's workers

Fiji Trades Union Congress - Defending the rights of Fiji's workers


The Fiji Trades Union Congress is the largest federation of trade unions in Fiji. It is the umbrella body for 26 affiliated unions.

It was officially established in 1973 and is one of two union confederations in Fiji. It was orginally known as the Fiji Industrial Workers Congress founded in 1951 in Ba by the late Pundit Ami Chandra.

Approximately 33, 000 workers are members of the FTUC under their respective unions.

The organisation fights for the rights of workers under their affiliates and for the rights of non- union workers to join unions. FTUC upholds all Conventions affiliated with the International Labour Organisation.

It is also an affiliate of the International Trade Union ConfederationThe FTUC also has a women and youth committee.

FTUC is located at 32 Desvoux Road in Suva city.


Aims & Objectives:

The FTUC’s missions include:
1. To establish, develop and maintain a powerful and effective national organisation, composed of free and democratic trade unions.

2. To assist in the formation of strong and effective trade unions for every worker in order the rights of every worker is protected.

3. To carry out workers’ education, research on current relevant issues including economic systems and social justice and provide assistance to the affiliates to promote better understanding of  trade union functions.

4. To promote and protect the economic, social, political, educational interest, human and civil rights of the workers in Fiji.

5. To promote economic policies which lead to growth, full employment and a stable economy.

6. To collaborate with and assist workers’ organisations in other countries and  to affiliate with appropriate International Organisations.

7. To promote the basic rights and principles referred to in Section 1.2(Preamble) of this Constitution (FTUC Constitution).

8. To call for legislations and  to call for legislations and other practices including the promotion of collective bargaining as a means of raising the living standard of all workers.

9.  To promote, organise and operate co-operative enterprises or commercial and industrial undertakings on a co-operative basis.

10. To ensure that the Government meets all its ILO obligations including the ratification of ILO Conventions particularly Core Conventions and Recommendations.

11. To promote the development and interests of women and youth including their greater participation in trade union activities.