The Fiji Trades Union Congress is the umbrella body for 26 affiliated unions, representing a wide cross-section of the country’s workers:
- Air Traffic Management Association of Fiji (ATMAF)
- Association of University of the South Pacific Staff (AUSPS)
- Construction Energy & Timber Workers Union of Fiji (CETWUF)
- Colonial Insurance Agents Association (CIAA)
- Federated Airline Staff Association (FASA)
- Fiji Electricity Workers Association (FEWA)
- Fiji Local Government Officers Association (FLGOA)
- Fiji Maritime Workers Association (FMWA)
- Fiji Public Service Association (FPSA)
- Fiji Sugar Clerks & Supervisors Association (FSCSA)
- Fiji Sugar & General Workers Union (FSGWU)
- Fiji Sugar Tradesmen’s Union (FSTU)
- Fiji Teachers Union (FTU)
- Fijian Affairs Board & Provincial Council Employees Association (FAB&PCEA)
- Mineworkers Union of Vatukoula (MWUV)
- Municipal Employees Union of Fiji (MEUF)
- National Union of Factory & Commercial Workers (NUFCW)
- National Union of Hospitality Catering Tourism Industries Employees (NUHCTIE)
- National Union of Trade Union Workers (NUTUW)
- Pacific Fishing Company Employees Union (PAFCOEU)
- Public Employees Union (PEU)
- Staff Association of the University of Fiji (SAUF)
- Sugar Milling Staff Officers Association (SMSOA)
- Training & Productivity Authority of Fiji Staff Association (TPAFSA)
- Tropik Wood Employees & Allied Workers Union (TWEAWU)
- Pine Industry & General Workers Union (PI&GWU)
- University of the South Pacific –Permanent Hourly Paid, Intermediate & Junior Staff Union (USP-PHPIJSU)